Service for patients: Call us right away at +43 2622 39 501!

Please feel free to call us: +43 2622 39 501

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+43 2622 39 501


Badenerstraße 85
2751 Matzendorf-Hölles

Service for patients: Call us right away at +43 2622 39 501!

Please feel free to call us: +43 2622 39 501

Treating diabetes

with INUSpheresis®

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+43 2622 39 501

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The effect of INUSpheresis on diabetics

For diabetics whose metabolism is derailed by inflammation, COVID or environmental stimuli and whose diabetes is barely manageable, washing out the insulin-blocking/insulin-negative substances restores a properly treatable metabolic situation and improves quality of life.

Our nervous system is divided into two main areas: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).
The CNS comprises the brain and the spinal cord, while the PNS runs through the rest of the body.
Each nerve cell consists of a cell body and various projections that are capable of receiving and transmitting impulses.
This allows signals to be sent from our foot to the brain and back in milliseconds.
However, nerve cells are not only responsible for transmitting stimuli, but also control our muscles and thus our movements and the functions of organs throughout the body.

Diabetic neuropathy

The peripheral nervous system can also be affected by diabetes.
A common consequence is diabetic neuropathy (also known as polyneuropathy), in which the nerve cells are damaged.

In diabetic neuropathy, the metabolism of the nerve cells is disrupted by the high blood sugar level.
As a result, degradation products accumulate in the cells, the capillaries change and there is an increasing lack of oxygen, which can damage the nerve cells in the long term.

INUSpheresis® is one of the most powerful options for causal therapy.

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Treatment plan

We always follow our D – T – A concept. Before we draw up a treatment plan together with our patients, it is important to make a diagnosis in advance based on the patient’s medical history. After approx. 7 to 10 days, the laboratory results provide a picture on which the treatment plan can be based.

As a rule, two INUSpheresis® treatments are initially carried out within 72 hours. After the 2nd INUSpheresis®, therapy is continued with further infusions or molecular medication as required. The determination of the genetic degree of inflammation, which is measured in the “genetic cytokine polymorphism”, is also useful in this context. Patients with a genetically increased degree of inflammation generally require more apheresis for successful treatment than patients with a genetically low degree of inflammation. Due to the outstanding importance of the pro-inflammatory key cytokines TNF-α and IL-1 as well as their counterpart IL-1RN for the individual inflammatory tendency, it has become established to grade the inflammatory tendency based on the respective genetic constellations of a patient.

Patients with an inflammation grade of 0 and 1 are referred to as low-responders, as they have a normal inflammatory capacity. In grade 3 and 4 patients, so-called high-responders, on the other hand, there is a genetically determined strong increase in inflammation. Studies have shown the importance of the IL-1 or TNF-α genotype in a number of systemic inflammatory diseases, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, periostitis, osteomyelitis or osteoporosis.

Our aim is to restore the function and communication of your cells and your immune system to a normal state.

INUSpheresis® therapy

Get in touch!:
+43 2622 39501